Account List
- 1) add new: click on this button goto add account form page
- 2) show: in this dropdown show how many data show in single page
- 3) search: you can search entire account list
- 4) in this section name of client, bank, acc number, current balance, contact number, bank branch and action
- 5) edit: click on this button goto account form page and edit particular record
- 6) delete: delete particular record of account
- 7) paggination: show the paggination.
- 1) holder name: in this field add bank holder name
- 2) bank name: in this field name of bank.
- 3) account no.: in this filed add bank account number
- 4) opening bal.: in this field your opening balance in bank account.
- 5) con number: in this field add you phone number
- 6) bank address: in this field add bank address which you bank located.
- 7) save: click on save all information save.
Bank Transfer List
- 1) add new: click on this button goto add transfer form page
- 2) show: in this dropdown show how many data show in single page
- 3) search: you can search entire transfer list
- 4) in this section date, from account, to account, amount, reference, description, action
- 5) edit: click on this button goto bank transfer form page and edit particular record
- 6) delete: delete particular record of bank transfer
- 7) paggination: show the paggination.
- 1) from account: in this dropdown you can select from account.
- 2) to account: in this dropdown you can select which you want to transfer
- 3) amount: in this field add amount
- 4) date: when you transfer date
- 5) reference: in this field set reference for particular reference
- 6) description: in this field add some transfer notes.
- 7) save: click on save button then above data save.