Task List
Here Tasks is related to Case. Admin can assign Task to multiple staff members. Let your staff comments on Tasks. Admin can create unlimited tasks and can update / delete existing tasks.
Task Add and Edit Form
- 1) Name: Name of the Task.
- 2) Priority: Priority of Task (Low, Medium , High).
- 3) Due Date: Expected Completion Date.
- 4) Case: Task Belongs to Which Case.
- 5) Assigned To: Task Assigned to Which Employees ( It Can Be Multiple ).
- 6) Description: Description of Task.
- 7) status: set task status from dropdown.
- 8) workflow: set workflow from dropdown.
- 9) save: save all task data.
My Task
- 1) show: how many entries show in this list
- 2) search: you can search from entire list of my task
- 3) in this section show sr no, name of task, priority, due date, created by and action
- 4) view: you can view task view data
- 5) edit: edit my task data for existing data
- 6) delete: click on delete button then particular task.
- 7) comments: click on this button goto comments page.
- 8) paggination: you can go next and previous page.
My Task View
- 1) Name: Name of the Task.
- 2) Priority: Priority of Task (Low, Medium , High).
- 3) Due Date: Expected Completion Date.
- 4) Case: Task Belongs to Which Case.
- 5) Assigned To: Task Assigned to Which Employees ( It Can Be Multiple ).
- 6) Progress: Task Progress.
- 7) Description: Description of Task.
- 8) status: set task status from dropdown.
- 9) workflow: set workflow from dropdown.
My Task Comments
- 1) name: here show the name of logged in user
- 2) date: show the date of when you create this comment
- 3) comment: show the what comment for particular task
- 4) commentarea: in this field you can add your comment
- 5) submit: submit the comment.