Language List
- 1) Add language: Click on add language then goto add language form
- 2) Per Page Item: This dropdown show no of list item on page when click any number then show number of items
- 3) Search Item: This search box is usefull for search any item from the list
- 4) In this section show Number,Name of language,Action
- 5) Edit: Click on this button then goto edit form page
- 6) Copy: Clik on this button then copy particular row
- 7) Delete:Click on this button then delete particular row item
- 8) showing: show the number of total records and show in one page record
- 9) pagging: paggination for goto next page and previous page
Language Add
- 1) Name: In this field name of language you want to add
- 2) RTL: If language is right to left then click on it
- 3) Save: Click on this button then add all language data save
- 4) Cancel: Click on this button then goto language list page
Language Edit
- 1) Name: In this field name of language you want to edit
- 2) RTL: If language is right to left then click on it
- 3) Update: Click on this button then edit all language data
- 4) Cancel: Click on this button then goto language list page