General Setting Tab
- 1) General Setting tab:Click on this tab then show right side general setting of website
- 2) Site Name: Set the name of site
- 3) Meta Keyword: Set the meta keyword for seo use
- 4) Meta description: set the meta description for seo use
- 5) Site Email: Set the email of website
- 6) Site Logo: Upload the logo of website
- 7) Site Favicon: Upload the website favicon
- 8) About Us: set the about us title for website
- 9) Currency Code: choose the currency code from dropdown
- 10) Account: Choose the account activation yes or no from dropdown
- 11) Language: set the default site language from dropdown
- 12) Token: set the token for website
- 13) Save: Click on the save button then all genral setting data save
- 14) Cancel: Click on this button then goto setting page
Social Setting Tab
- 1) Social Setting tab:Click on this tab then show right side social setting of website
- 2) Phone Number: Set the website phone number
- 3) Facebook url: set the website facebook url
- 4) Twitter url: set the website twitter url
- 5) Googleplue url: set the website google plus url
- 6) Linkedin url: set the website linkedin url
- 7) Printerest url: set the website printerest url
- 8) Instagram url: set the website instagram url
- 9) Save: Click on the save button then all social setting data save
- 10) Cancel: Click on this button then goto setting page
Home Setting Tab
- 1) Home Setting tab:Click on this tab then show right side home setting of website
- 2) First Slide: Upload first slide for home page
- 3) Second Slide: Upload second slide for home page
- 4) Third Slide: Upload third slide for home page
- 5) Save: Click on the save button then all home slide setting data save
- 6) Cancel: Click on this button then goto setting page
Mail Setting Tab
- 1) Mail Setting tab:Click on this tab then show right side mail setting of website
- 2) Test Mail: Click on this button then find mail work or not
- 3) SMTP protocol: Set the protocol of smtp email
- 4) SMTP Host: set the host of smtp email
- 5) SMTP User: set the user of smtp email
- 6) SMTP Password: set the password for smtp email
- 7) SMTP Port: set the port for smtp email
- 8) SMTP Crypto: set the crypto for smtp email
- 9) Save: Click on the save button then all mail setting data save
- 10) Cancel: Click on this button then goto setting page
Site Setting Tab
- 1) Site Setting tab:Click on this tab then show right side site setting of website
- 2) website width: in this dropdown set yes or no for website width
- 3) Save: Click on the save button then all site setting data save
- 4) Cancel: Click on this button then goto setting page