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Invoice List


  • 1) Add new: click on add new then goto form page of invoice.
  • 2) show: show how many data show in single page.
  • 3) search: in this section you can search entire list.
  • 4) in this section show invoice, client name, issue date, due date, status and action.
  • 5) edit: click on this button goto form page
  • 6) view: click on this button goto invoice view for particular record
  • 7) delete: click on this button delete particular record.
  • 8) paggination: here you can go previous and next page.

Invoice Add and Edit Form


  • 1) invoice: in this section select any case, issue date and due date, invoice number automatically generated, select category, select invoice status, reference number, select tax type
  • 2) product and service: select item, quantity, price, tax, discount, amount, description
  • 3) add more: click on add more button then you can add more product and serice.
  • 4) save: click save button then all data save.